Upcoming Events
PTO Meeting w/ Special Guest
Next meeting- Thursday October, 10 7pm in-person, Fern Seiden, Director of Wellness for CSD
Back to School Night
🍧Stick around after Back to School Night, Thursday, September 19, for sweet treats from the PTO 6-7pm. This is a great chance to meet other CMS families and learn more about getting involved. We are also looking for volunteers to help run the event: sign up here.

Block Party
The CMS closes down Rumford St from Warren to Pleasant as we have a fun-filled night of games, pizza, raffle baskets and other adventures! Rain date on May 30th.

Rock N Race!
Meet at CMS for a team picture at 5:30 and we head over to Park St for a 6pm start time.

Spring Flower Order Pick Up @ CMS
Annual hanging baskets and potted plants ordered through the spring flower sale will be available for pickup from 2:30-6pm at the end of the CMS pickup line (near Pleasant St).

Grade Level Color Day
Kindergarten- Yellow
1st Grade- Red
2nd Grade- Green
3rd Grade- Black & White
4th Grade- Purple or Pink
5th Grade- Blue

Teacher/Student Switch Day
Teachers dress up as students and students dress up as teachers!

Haller Center Food Pantry
The CMS PTO Cares Committee and the Friendly Kitchen have partnered to bring a food pantry to the Haller Center at 19 Jennings Drive. Anyone is welcome to shop at this location. The pantry is open every other Thursday from 9-11am. All are welcome!

PTO Meeting
Join the PTO for its monthly PTO meeting on 1/11/24 from 7-8pm via Zoom. All are welcome! This month’s special guest will be Quinci Worthey, Concord School District’s DEIJ (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice) Director. The Zoom link will be sent out next week prior to the meeting.
Zoom Link: https://anselm.zoom.us/j/97619715864?pwd=Uk1CVWRTV0dTMmNZZy9ybndKcUhBZz09